Thursday, August 7, 2008

"Talitha koum!"

36 Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, "Don't be afraid; just believe."

41He took her by the hand and said to her, "Talitha koum!" (which means, "Little girl, I say to you, get up!" ). 42Immediately the girl stood up and walked around (she was twelve years old). At this they were completely astonished.

Your Faith Has Healed You

Mark 5:25-45 (New International Version)

Key Verse:

34 He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you.
Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."

Forgives & Heals

Psalm 103.1-3 (NIV)

1 Praise the LORD, O my soul;

all my inmost being, praise his holy name.

2 Praise the LORD, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits-

3 who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,

Just Say The Word

Luke 7:7 (New Living Translation)
I am not even worthy to come and meet you. Just say the word from where you are, and my servant will be healed

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Next Level: Casting My Net Into Deeper Water!

Great day of studying! The Lord has led me to the next level in becoming a Doctor! I took and aced mcat PTR 3 on-line today in real timed conditions! Totally simulated like the real thing, totally disciplined, back to back sections!

Because The Lord says so, I am casting my net into Deeper Water and by going Deeper I am catching more that I could ever imagine. (See Luke 5.1-11). By Going Deeper, I Trust that through God Almighty, I will become a Doctor. My goal is to Shine for God's Glory! (See Matthew 5.13-16)

What I learned:
1. Increased Confidence
2. Concentration - I need to zone in to "Animal"-like levels, I need to be an "Animal" so psyched up and totally focused. What this means is that I must enter "R-Brain" mode to the max!

How do I achieve total "R-Brain" Mode?
  • I must forget about the time. Keeping track of the time activates my "L-Brain" mode. I will certainly be aware of the time, but I will totally dive into the passage and discretes without concern for the time.
  • I am actually so well trained that timing is not an issue...The Lord has shaped my training to the point where I know my pace!
  • Relaxed Intensity: When Jeff and I run sprints on the track, We sprint with Max intensity, yet we are so relaxed that the skin on our cheeks around our jaws are bouncing around. Pocket to Nose, Pocket to Nose, We will establish amazing form from start to finish. Being relaxed yet with all-out intensity, We are able to sprint at max-out speeds! Having Relaxed Intensity on the mcat will allow me to perform at Championship levels under pressure circumstances! Bring It On mcat! I own you mcat!
  • Being In The Zone: So focused, with warrior-like focus, surgeon-like precision...I will become totally engrossed in the material that I am now "one" with the material... the mcat is a cloud of dust and I will blow right through it
  • Be Confident: Trust The Lord, Trust myself because I trust The Lord. By being totally confident that I know the correct answer, I will minimize over-analyzing and maximize correct answer producing and time saving techniques!
  • Enter "Race-Mode": As in track, when Jeff and I step up to the start line and get down in the blocks, "It Is On!" and we enter into "Race-Mode" By entering into "Race-Mode,"we become so ready in Heart, Soul, Mind, Body that we are primed and ready. All of our training is set and now it is time to allow our training and discipline and serious hard work to take over. Forget The Left brain notes and just flow in Right Brain mode. Your form, your technique, your drive and top-end speed all take their natural form and rhythm because you have trained and prepared for this moment...It will be this way as well as I move directly toward the mcat...I will enter "Race-Mode" and all my training, all my discipline and hard work will come together into their natural form and rhythm, and I will be calm, cool, and collected as I ace the mcat!
  • Take 5 second rest in between passages to recalibrate my mind for ultimate performance with the next set of passages and discretes that I will sling and conquer!
3. That I belong: I belong in the medical world and I can not wait to to conquer all the challenges along the way! I embrace these challenges! Amen!. JIL! PX! I want the long nights, the 80 hour weeks, the 20 hour shifts, I want to be awake for 25 hours straight. I want to learn everything about God's Amazing creation of the human being as I can. I want to train and learn with so much intensity and do whatever it takes to become the best Doctor I can in order to provide for my Family, my Community, My patients. I want to live the full life that Jesus Lived, Died, and Resurrected for!

4. By being poised and rooted in composure, having major confidence, having Surgeon-like concentration and Warrior-like Focus, By entering into "Race-Mode" and knowing that I belong, I will follow God Almighty through this Red Sea into the Promise Land of becoming an MD! By His Will, IN His Timing, Because of His Mercy and Grace, Through His Power, and For His Glory I have Trust and Faith that I will become a Doctor! To God Be The Glory! Amen!

Father God, with Your Cross In My Heart, Your Wisdom In My Mind, Your Medicine n My Soul, Your Stethoscope Around My Neck, and Your Healing In My Hands, I thank you for this opportunity to become a Doctor and I will commit my life to You in order for You to use this as Your Ministry Through me! Harooh! ~From Jeff's Prayer~

For Your Glory Alone!

Slinging My Stone, Time To Scrub In!