Monday, June 23, 2008

Joe's Special!

Wow! I just finished off a Joe's Special, Tomato+vegetable soup, with a salad topped with avocados, tomatoes, and sesame sticks...all prepared by ChefChris! Amazing! PX!

Well, I can Faithfully say I am ready for my night time study session from being so well-fed :)

My study session for today is as follows:

> EK Bio 1001, Molecular Genetics, Ch 2 Test 1
> Kaplan Molecular Genetics Subject Test

Organic Chemistry
> Kaplan Amines Subject Test

Review of EK Bio Mol Gen Test & Review of OChem Amines!
> If I have time, I will take some more Bio and OChem!

I am pumped! I know it's The Holy Spirit hovering over me, just as He hovered over the waters during the creation of the world!

...and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
(Genesis 1.2 NIV)

This why I study and train with so much intensity because The Holy Spirit is within me
(1 Corinthians 6:19) and He is counseling me and preparing me for the ministry of being a Physician, MD!

So with Spirit Intense, Mind Ready, and Pencil in hand, I am off my friend to become one day closer of being filled with Medicine N My Soul!!! PX! JIL! Amen!

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