This will be a record of my 100 Life Goals! Starting today, through Prayer and sensitivity to The Holy Spirit, I will start listing these goals, in no particular order, a Brainstorm of sorts, and then later I will go back and refine, with specific categories and time sensitivity!
1. To Be an answer to God's Prayers ( John 17)
2. To Go Deeper With Jesus Christ
* this is a category or really an over arching category, because Christ is the center of my life!
* what are some specific areas in which this applies?
3. To love and serve my family
4. To ace the mcat and get a scholarship into MedSchool (Matriculating Jun/Aug/Sept 2009!)
5. To become fluent in Spanish, specifically Medical Spanish so that I can become extremely knowledgeable with English and Spanish speaking patients here in The States & Over Seas On Medical Mission Trips!
6. Go to Universal Studios/Disney World/Clear Water Kayaking with The Fam
7. Write two books: 1. Live In The Full (Scripture Based on how to shine in order to display The Bright Splendor of God)...2. Medical Book
8. To Teach With My Life..."Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity" ( 1 Tim 4.11-14 MSG)
* Make a list for each one of these categories (i.e. like the bushido samurai code) and develop specific strategies on "fleshing" these out!
9. To flesh out The Fruit Of The Spirit: But the Spirit produces the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,23 gentleness, self-control. (Galatians 5.22-26)
Joyce Meyer? Creflo Dollar? T.D. Jakes? Joel Osteen?
13 years ago
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